Below you will find information on Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Dietary Therapy, Cupping, Moxibustion, Tui Na (Chinese medical massage), and more. 


Acupuncture is the insertion of very tiny (0.16 - 0.30mm), sterile, solid, single use, round tipped needles into acupuncture points on the body.  Acupuncture allows blood and energy to flow through a complex network of channels providing a regulating or balancing effect on the body.  The body will function more harmoniously, improving it's innate ability to heal, promoting physical and mental well-being.

Does it hurt?

This is a common concern for those new to acupuncture.  Acupuncture is not sensation-less.  There is a therapeutic response that allows the patient to feel a variety of sensations, but these sensations should NOT be associated with pain.  In fact, the most common side effect of acupuncture: RELAXATION

Is Acupuncture Safe?

Acupuncture has been proven to be an extremely safe therapy.  It is extremely useful and safe in both pediatrics and pregnancy.


Dietary Therapy

Nutrition is a pillar of Chinese medicine.  It is the fundamental basis of disharmony in the body.  Our society has lost it's way into recognizing necessary care for ourselves through diet.  Although there is a shift we are still plagued by soaring prices of food and options that are packed full of poison.  There is a saying that "America's starvation is hidden behind it's obesity" - this could not be more true, as despite trying to eat "healthy" our food is often lacking in basic nutrients to help keep our bodies from generating disease.  Nutrition and digestive health plays a major role in digestive diseases, psycho-emotional conditions, and even headaches.  We can help get you back on track utilizing Chinese medical theory to help create a plan that works for you.  It's starts as simple as choosing one thing that you're willing to change. 


Tui Na

(Chinese Medical Massage)

Tui Na (or push, pull) is a type of massage that gathers blood and energy then releases it to the body it is nourishing but like a more conventional massage, Tui Na breaks up adhesions, promotes circulation, increases range of motion, and alleviates muscle aches. 






Qi Gong and Tai Chi are specific types of movement that we practice as a medicine.  Exercise is an integral part of Chinese medicine, but like everything we practice everything in moderation.  These exercises are rooted in the martial arts but just embody the essence of the movements, through deliberate motion, focus, and breath.  We can integrate this into your plan for wellness or simply recommend incorporating any activities that will help you achieve your health goals. 

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is utilized in many ways through Oriental Medicine.  We compose formulas designed to treat YOU. Unlike biomedical practices which prescribe drugs to treat a disease.  In this way each formula is designed to treat both the root cause of disease as well as the manifestation happening in your individual body.  These formulas are taken internally. 

We also use a large variety of topical herbs including linaments, ointments, and poultices. 

















Cupping is a technique that creates a light suction of the skin by the use of glass "cups" (shown in picture to the right).  We perform slide cupping, stationary cupping, and flash cupping.  This technique brings blood to the area and can help break up adhesions.  Flash cupping is useful for Bell's Palsy or Stroke recovery.





Moxibustion or "Moxa" is the burning of the herb Mugwort (Ai Ye) Artemisiae argue Folium near the surface of the body.  It is deeply warming, penetrating, and feels wonderful.


Other Therapies

As a Chinese medical practitioner I also utilize several other therapeutic modalities such as gua sha, e-stim, and other therapies not discussed here.  When appropriate, the therapeutic potential of any modality practiced at our clinics is discussed by your clinician prior to delivery.   If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us!